

Recognized health and fitness expert!

John’s love for his community brought forth the brainchild of “VeganSmart”, a plant-based protein shake company with a foundation whose mission is to prevent obesity through education, physical activity, and plant-based nutrition.

As a well-renowned fitness expert, John Lewis has spent over 2 decades in the health and fitness industry and played Division I college basketball. John is highly passionate about not only his own health and fitness but that of others as well… This is evident through his motivational messages either through his international public speaking engagements or simply through his social media outlets.

Today, John has taken his passion for health and is now directing his first feature-length documentary focused on food and social justice. John has teamed up with the maker of the award-winning “What The Health” to create their joint venture “THEY’RE TRYING TO KILL US”.

See more:  https://badassvegan.com/


Vegan Make Up

Is not your typical makeup and cosmetic store. Think of a cosmetic clinic that offers personalized services designed for the everyday women.

All products are plant based and free of lead, gluten and paraben. Brown and gold algae which revert DNA damage caused by the sun and promote collagen are also part of the natural ingredients that nourish the product, and most importantly, they aren´t tested on animals.

Additionally, it includes natural ingredients like hydrating oils, jojoba extract, orange cream and sun block.

Social Responsibility

At Aqua, one of our main interests is to protect our planet and preserve nature. We have designed product packaging that is based on cassava which when disposed can serve as nourishment for maritime species.

All packaging is bio-degradable and environment friendly. We also provide discount options for customers who would like to return any product package in order for us to re-use.

Aqua is constantly thinking of ways to improve our production and distribution processes in order to protect our home; Planet Earth.

See more http://aquabyjesse.com/

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